interfaith partnership against
domestic violence and elder abuse
National Domestic Violence Hotline
800-799-7233 (SAFE)
National Sexual Assault Hotline
800-656-4673 (HOPE)
Webcasts and Webinars
Coming in 2025:
For Advocates AND Faith Community Leaders and Members
Safe Havens webcast series for the Winter and Spring of 2025 addresses issues that have been of particular concern to faith leaders. Each webcast will be an hour-long conversation between Safe Havens and a topic expert.
These webcasts are designed for advocates and faith leaders and faith community members together. Please consider reaching out to each other and participating together as a way to strengthen your community's response to faith-based survivors of abuse.
For questions or more information, please reach out to Safe Havens at info@interfaithpartners.org.

This webinar series equips advocates to better support victims and survivors from diverse communities of faith. How can advocates bridge the gap between their service agencies and faith-affiliated clients to ensure that everyone feels validated and supported? What should advocates know about each faith tradition to help them better meet the needs of faith-based clients? Our 9 webinars strengthen your responses to survivors of faith.
This webinar series aims to equip advocates to respond to and support victims and survivors from communities of faith. How can advocates bridge the gap to ensure that each individual feels validated and supported? What should advocates know about each faith tradition to better meet the needs of faith-based clients?
Religious affiliation is the most common form of organizational participation among older adults, with 50% reporting attending services weekly. Research indicates that these faith-affiliated older adults are likely to reach out to their faith communities for support if they experience abuse. Yet, too often faith leaders are not trained to respond to abuse in later life. At the same time, many victim service providers and other professionals are not trained to respond appropriately to the needs of faith-involved older victims. During this webinar, we will explore how faith can be both a barrier and a resource for older victims and how partnerships between service providers and faith leaders can strengthen wellbeing and support for older victims of abuse. We will also discuss resources and available training that could help you enhance the quality of life of older victims in your community who are faith-involved.
From March to June 2017, Safe Havens hosted and presented our first webinar series designed to equip advocates to respond to and support faith-based victims and survivors of domestic violence. The webinar series examined the intersections of faith, abuse, and various forms of oppression while looking at a wide variety of communities of faith in the US. We aimed to address a number of questions, among them: How can advocates bridge the gap between faith and local services to ensure that each individual feels validated and supported? What should advocates know about each faith tradition to help them better meet the needs of these faith-based clients? How can Christianity, Judaism, Islam, and other religious traditions act as a roadblock to healing, and how can we work to ensure that they become more of a resource for survivors?

2021 Safe Havens Webinar Series: Supporting Victims and Survivors of Faith
This project is supported by Grant No. 2017-TA-AX-KO60 awarded by the Office on Violence Against Women, U.S. Department of Justice. The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed in this publication/program/exhibition are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women.
Supporting Victims & Survivors of Faith: The Importance of Faith in the Lives of Faith-Affiliated Survivors of Abuse
January 2021
"The Importance of Faith in the Lives of Faith-Affiliated Survivors of Abuse" is the first of a webinar series presented by Safe Havens Interfaith Partnership Against Domestic Violence. The webinar series, entitled Supporting Victims and Survivors of Faith: A Webinar Series for Advocates, aims to equip domestic violence advocates to respond to and support victims/survivors from communities of faith. This webinar specifically addresses the importance of faith for some victims and ways that faith can be both a barrier and a resource.
Supporting Victims and Survivors of Faith: Responding to the Needs of Muslim Survivors
Presented by Peaceful Families Project
January 2021
"Supporting Muslim Victims and Survivors" is the second in a series of webinars. The webinar series, entitled "Supporting Victims and Survivors of Faith: A Webinar Series for Advocates," aims to equip domestic violence advocates to respond to and support victims/survivors from communities of faith. This webinar, presented by Dr. Denise Berte of Peaceful Families Project, explores what advocates need to know about Muslim traditions and American Muslims to better support Muslim victims.
Supporting Victims and Survivors of Faith: Domestic Violence Through a Christian Lens
February 2021
"Domestic Violence through a Christian Lens" is the third in a series of webinars. The webinar series, entitled "Supporting Victims and Survivors of Faith: A Webinar Series for Advocates," aims to equip domestic violence advocates to respond to and support victims/survivors from communities of faith. This webinar, presented by Safe Havens staff, explores what advocates need to know about Christian traditions and American Christians to better support Christian victims.
Supporting Victims and Survivors of Faith: Supporting Buddhist Survivors
Presented by FaithTrust Institute
March 2021
"Supporting Buddhist Survivors" is the fourth in a series of webinars. The webinar series, entitled "Supporting Victims and Survivors of Faith: A Webinar Series for Advocates," aims to equip domestic violence advocates to respond to and support victims/survivors from communities of faith. This webinar, presented by FaithTrust Institute, explores what advocates need to know about Buddhist traditions and American Buddhists to better support Buddhist victims.
Supporting Victims and Survivors of Faith: Supporting Latinx Survivors
Presented by Paula Gomez Stordy
March 2021
"Supporting Latinx Survivors" is the fifth in a series of webinars. The webinar series, entitled "Supporting Victims and Survivors of Faith: A Webinar Series for Advocates," aims to equip domestic violence advocates to respond to and support victims/survivors from communities of faith. This webinar, presented by Paula Gomez Stordy, explores what advocates need to know about Latinx traditions to better support Latinx victims.
Supporting Victims and Survivors of Faith: Apoyando a los sobrevivientes latin@s
April 2021
This the same webinar as above, but presented in Spanish.
Este es el mismo seminario web que el anterior, pero traducido al español.
Supporting Victims and Survivors of Elder Abuse in our Congregations
April 2021
This webinar series was designed for advocates and faith leaders (clergy and lay) to participate in together. This webinar focused on how to support victims of elder abuse.
Compassion and Accountability for those in the Congregation who Abuse
Presented by Dr. David Adams
May 2021
This webinar series was designed for advocates and faith leaders (clergy and lay) to participate in together. This webinar focused on how to create safe congregations and have accountability for abusers in congregations.
Supporting Victims and Survivors of Faith: Domestic Violence through a Jewish Lens
May 2021
"Domestic Violence through a Jewish Lens" is the seventh in a series of webinars. The webinar series, entitled "Supporting Victims and Survivors of Faith: A Webinar Series for Advocates," aims to equip domestic violence advocates to respond to and support victims/survivors from communities of faith. This webinar, presented by Alyson Morse Katzman of Safe Havens, explores what advocates need to know about Judaism to better support Jewish victims.
Supporting Victims and Survivors of Dating Violence in our Congregations
Presented by Jasmine Ceja Uribe of Leaders Ending Violence
June 2021
This webinar series was designed for advocates and faith leaders (clergy and lay) to participate in together. This webinar focused on how to support victims of dating violence.
Supporting Victims and Survivors of Faith: Supporting LGBTQ+ Survivors of Faith
Presented by Dr. Nancy Neinhuis
June 2021
"Supporting LGBTQ+ Survivors of Faith" is the eighth in a series of webinars. The webinar series, entitled "Supporting Victims and Survivors of Faith: A Webinar Series for Advocates," aims to equip domestic violence advocates to respond to and support victims/survivors from communities of faith. This webinar, presented by Dr. Nancy Neinhuis of the Safe Havens board, explores what advocates need to know to better support LGBTQ+ victims.
Supporting Black Survivors through an Interfaith Lens
Presented by Ujima: The National Center on Violence Against Women in the Black Community
June 2021

2019 Safe Havens Webinar Series: What's Faith Got to Do with It? Supporting Victims and Survivors of Faith
This project is supported by Grant No. 2017-TA-AX-KO60 awarded by the Office on Violence Against Women, U.S. Department of Justice. The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed in this publication/program/exhibition are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women.
An Introduction to the Importance of Faith for Victims and Survivors of Domestic Violence
February 14, 2019
This video is the first in our 2019 Webinar Series. This webinar explores and introduces the relationship the significance of faith for victims and survivors of domestic violence. Highlights include barriers victims experience and the role faith communities can play in responding to abuse.
Faith, Spirituality and Religion and their Complex Relationship to Recovery and Justice for Victims
of Sexual Violence
Presented by Marianne Winters, Safe Passage
February 28, 2019
This video is the second video in our 2019 Webinar Series. Highlights include defining terms, what safety planning means, and some perspectives of survivors on the road to recovery and justice.
Addressing Domestic Violence: Working with Christian Faith Leaders
Presented by Reverend Al Miles
March 14, 2019
This video is the third video in our 2019 Webinar Series. Highlights include Christian teachings, debunking harmful Christian-based interpretations, and the roles Christian faith leaders can take to support the victim in collaboration with professionals and domestic violence service providers.
Supporting Our Sisters through Policy, Practice, and Prayer: The Plight of Black Women
Presented by Ujima, The National Center on Violence Against Women in the Black Community
April 10, 2019
Ujima, The National Center on Violence Against
Women in the Black Community, was established in 2015 to address the pervasive issues of sexual assault and domestic and community violence within the Black Community. This webinar provides information for advocates to better support Black survivors with whom they are working.
Responding with RAHMA: Removing Roadblocks for Muslim Survivors
Presented by HEART Women & Girls
April 25, 2019
This video is the fifth webinar from our 2019 Webinar Series. From their website, "HEART Women & Girls promotes sexual health education and sexual violence prevention in Muslim communities through health education, advocacy, research and training." Our latest webinar series aims to equip advocates to respond to and support victims and survivors from communities of faith.
Nuestra Fe/Nuestra Fuerza: Apoyando a las victimas y sobrevivientes latin@s de violencia domestica
Presented by Casa de Esperanza
(now Esperanza United)
April 30, 2019
This video is the sixth webinar from our 2019 Webinar Series. From their website, "Casa de Esperanza is a leader in the domestic violence movement and a national resource center for organizations working with Latin@s in the United States." Presented in Spanish, highlights of this webinar include insight on the intersection between domestic and sexual violence along with how advocacy for victims and survivors must be informed by culture and society in Latinx communities.
Our Faith/Our Strength: Supporting Latinx Victims and Survivors of Domestic Violence
Presented by Casa de Esperanza
(now Esperanza United)
May 2, 2019
This video is the seventh webinar from our 2019 Webinar Series. From their website, "Casa de Esperanza is a leader in the domestic violence movement and a national resource center for organizations working with Latin@s in the United States." Highlights include statistics and facts about the Latin@ community in the US, examples of collaborative supports for victims and survivors, and the relationship between religion and Latinx communities.
Domestic Abuse through a Jewish Lens: Shanda, Stereotypes and Shalom Bayit
Presented by Journey to Safety, JF&CS of Greater Boston
May 7, 2019
This video is the eight webinar from our 2019 Webinar Series. From their website, "Journey to Safety is the JF&CS response to domestic abuse [and] specialize in providing culturally competent and religiously sensitive services for Jewish and Russian-speaking survivors while offering free and confidential assistance to all who contact us for help, regardless of their religion, culture, or country of origin." Highlights include debunking harmful myths and ways to respond to abuse.
Belief as Asset: Supporting GLBTQ Victims and Survivors of Faith
Presented by Dr. Nancy Nienhuis
May 22, 2019
This video is the last in our 2019 Webinar Series. Dr. Nienhuis highlights the many barriers GLBTQ victims and survivors experience, particularly in faith communties. In addition, this webinar overviews general definitions and the role faith could play in the journey for GLBTQ victim or survivor.

2017 Safe Havens Webinar Series:
Supporting Victims & Survivors of Faith
A Webinar Series for Advocates
This project is supported by Grant No. 2015-TA-AX-K033, awarded by the Office on Violence Against Women, U.S. Department of Justice. The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women.
Supporting Victims & Survivors of Faith: Why Faith Matters
April 2017
"Why Faith Matters" is the first of a webinar series presented by Safe Havens Interfaith Partnership Against Domestic Violence. The webinar series, entitled Supporting Victims and Survivors of Faith: A Webinar Series for Advocates, aims to equip domestic violence advocates to respond to and support victims/survivors from communities of faith. This webinar specifically addresses the importance of faith for some victims and ways that faith can be both a barrier and a resource.
Supporting Victims and Survivors of Faith: Jewish Women Victims and Survivors
Presented by Jewish Women International
April 2017
"Supporting Jewish Women Victims and Survivors" is part of the webinar series. The webinar series, entitled Supporting Victims and Survivors of Faith: A Webinar Series for Advocates, aims to equip domestic violence advocates to respond to and support victims/survivors from communities of faith. This webinar, presented by Deborah Rosenbloom of Jewish Women International specifically addresses how domestic violence advocates can better support Jewish victims.
Supporting Victims and Survivors of Faith: Muslim Victims and Survivors
Presented by Peaceful Families Project
May 2017
"Supporting Muslim Victims and Survivors" is the third in a series of webinars. The webinar series, entitled "Supporting Victims and Survivors of Faith: A Webinar Series for Advocates," aims to equip domestic violence advocates to respond to and support victims/survivors from communities of faith. This webinar, presented by Salma Abugideiri of Peaceful Families Project, explores what advocates need to know about Muslim traditions and American Muslims to better support Muslim victims.
Supporting Victims and Survivors of Faith: Christian Victims and Survivors
May 2017
"Responding to Christian Victims" is the fourth in a series of webinars. The webinar series, entitled "Supporting Victims and Survivors of Faith: A Webinar Series for Advocates," aims to equip domestic violence advocates to respond to and support victims/survivors from communities of faith. This webinar, presented by Safe Havens staff, explores what advocates need to know about the Christian tradition and Christian Americans to better support Christian victims of domestic violence.
Supporting Victims and Survivors of Faith: African-American Victims and Survivors
Presented by Reverend Traci Jackson Antoine and Dr. La Donna Combs
May 2017
"African American Victims and Survivors" is the fifth in a series of webinars. The webinar series, entitled "Supporting Victims and Survivors of Faith: A Webinar Series for Advocates," aims to equip domestic violence advocates to respond to and support victims/survivors from communities of faith. This webinar, presented by Reverend Traci Jackson Antoine and Dr. La Donna Combs, specifically addresses how domestic violence advocates can better support African American victims who are faithful.
Supporting Victims and Survivors of Faith: Working with Survivors of Clergy Abuse
Presented by the FaithTrust Institute
June 2017
"Working with Survivors of Clergy Abuse" is the sixth in a series of webinars. The webinar series, entitled "Supporting Victims and Survivors of Faith: A Webinar Series for Advocates," aims to equip domestic violence advocates to respond to and support faith-based victims and survivors of abuse. This webinar, presented by Sarah Rieth and FaithTrust Institute, explores what advocates need to know about abuse by spiritual leaders and how to best support victims of this abuse.
Supporting Victims and Survivors of Faith: Supporting Latin@ Victims and Survivors
Presented by Casa de Esperanza
(now Esperanza United)
June 2017
"Supporting Latin@ Victims and Survivors" is the seventh in a series of webinars. The webinar series, entitled "Supporting Victims and Survivors of Faith: A Webinar Series for Advocates," aims to equip domestic violence advocates to respond to and support victims/survivors from communities of faith. This webinar, presented by Pierre Berastain of Casa de Esperanza, explores what advocates need to know about Latin@ traditions, and the intersections of oppression, historical trauma, and religion that will facilitate better support of Latin@ victims and survivors.
Supporting Victims and Survivors of Faith: Elder Abuse
and Faith
June 2017
"Elder Abuse and Faith" is the final webinar in the 2017 webinar series, entitled "Supporting Victims and Survivors of Faith: A Webinar Series for Advocates," aims to equip domestic violence advocates to respond to and support victims/survivors from communities of faith. This webinar explores what advocates need to know about aging in America, the specificities of elder abuse, and the intersections of elder abuse and faith to give an introduction to and facilitate better support for victims of elder abuse.

Elder Abuse Webinars
Supporting Victims and Survivors of Faith: Elder Abuse and Faith
June 2017
"Elder Abuse and Faith" is the final webinar in the 2017 webinar series, entitled "Supporting Victims and Survivors of Faith: A Webinar Series for Advocates," aims to equip domestic violence advocates to respond to and support victims/survivors from communities of faith. This webinar explores what advocates need to know about aging in America, the specificities of elder abuse, and the intersections of elder abuse and faith to give an introduction to and facilitate better support for victims of elder abuse.
Pursuing Respect and Justice for Faith-Engaged Older Victims of Abuse
Presented by Bonnie Brandl, National Clearinghouse on Abuse in Later Life; Anne Marie Hunter, Executive Director, Safe Havens
December 2016
Religious affiliation is the most common form of organizational participation among older adults, with 50% reporting attending services weekly. Research indicates that these faith-affiliated older adults are likely to reach out to their faith communities for support if they experience abuse. Yet, too often faith leaders are not trained to respond to abuse in later life. At the same time, many victim service providers and other professionals are not trained to respond appropriately to the needs of faith-involved older victims. During this webinar, we will explore how faith can be both a barrier and a resource for older victims and how partnerships between service providers and faith leaders can strengthen wellbeing and support for older victims of abuse. We will also discuss resources and available training that could help you enhance the quality of life of older victims in your community who are faith-involved.