According to the Stalking Prevention, Awareness, & Resource Center (SPARC): nearly 1 in 3 women and 1 in 6 men have experienced stalking at some point in their lifetime. Stalkers use specific, personal, and disturbing methods to scare their victims. It is not always clear to the victims, or their friends and families, that a crime has occurred.
Stalking is a pattern of behavior directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to feel fear. Experiences of stalking can be difficult to talk about. It may be hard to prove and stalkers know this. Stalkers also know that their victims may sound crazy and will use this to their advantage. People who are experiencing stalking will probably turn to their friends and family members for help. If those friends and family members doubt or belittle the victim's concerns, the victim is unlikely to reach out again for help or to find the support and safety they need. Stalking can be very dangerous, and we all have a role to play in making sure that our friends, family members, and people in our congregations are safe. New research shows that stalking is more dangerous than previously thought and can be a precursor to serious harm.
Stalking Awareness Resources
Stalking is a serious problem and we need to take time to raise awareness about it in our communities. Safe Havens has developed some resources to help both faith leaders and service providers do just that.
Below are links for the stalking flyer you see above and a newsletter article. Faith communities can publish either or both in their bulletins, on their websites, or on social media. There is also a stalking resource developed by Safe Havens specifically for faith communities. Click on the buttons below to download these resources.
Thank you for your help in raising awareness about stalking!